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Add an asset to a project in bulk

This API endpoint allows you to add multiple assets to a project in bulk. The asset is the main container for all the data and analysis results of a specific asset.


Maximum of 500 assets can be added in a single request.

API Endpoint


Request Arguments

project_namestringThe Name of the project.
asset_datalistThe list of asset data.

Asset Data

The asset data is a list of dictionaries with the following keys:

namestringThe name of the asset.
latitudefloatThe latitude of the asset.
longitudefloatThe longitude of the asset.
areafloatThe area of the asset. (optional)
valuationfloatThe valuation of the asset. (optional)
storiesintThe number of stories of the asset. (optional)
revenuefloatThe revenue of the asset. (optional)
property_typestringThe property type of the asset. (optional)
ownershipstringThe ownership of the asset. (optional)
replacement_valuefloatThe replacement value of the asset. (optional)

The area, valuation, stories, revenue, property_type, ownership, and replacement_value keys are optional and can be omitted if not available.

Request Example

import requests
URL = ""
headers = {
'X-Intensel-Api-Key': 'YOUR_API_KEY',
payload = {
"project_name": "My Awesome Project",
"asset_data" : [
"name": "Hong Kong Park",
"latitude": 22.424645494250665,
"longitude" : 114.2135547607693,
"area": 2509,
"valuation": 2117.25,
"stories": 3
"name": "Canal Rd West",
"latitude": 22.27806830351389,
"longitude" : 114.18119155173112,
"area": 1810,
"valuation": 2117.25,
"stories": 3
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
data = response.json()


"message": "2 assets added successfully"
"message": "You have reached your limit of assets. Please Contact Intensel to increase asset limit."
"message": "You can add only 500 assets at a time."

Example Response

Bulk Asset add Response JSON -> view response